Obama’s Plan in Afghanistan as World Cloud

Here is another example of using multimedia to look more closely at President Obama’s speech on Afghanistan. As a refresher, Wordle is a free website that creates “beautiful word clouds” out of any body of text, with words appearing larger if used more frequently. Please find the graphic and analysis below.
Wordle: President Obama's Plan in Afghanistan

  • No surprises on the most visible themes (not in order): Afghan/Afghanistan, America/American(s), country, government; al Qaeda, Taliban, war, security, forces, troops.
  • One modal verb appears 16 times stands out from the major themes: “must”. This is indicative of Obama’s obligatory, insisting tone.
  • Another group of words speak of unity, prominently featured in the president’s remarks: one, people, nation, home, effort. Though not included in the cloud, “we” and “our” were spoken 106 times combined.
  • Unlike last time, Obama does not emphasize al Qaeda’s leader, members or actions. 9/11, terrorist(s), Osama bin Laden, attacks – all were mentioned less than five times. So was the supposed buzz word, “responsible/responsibility”.
  • Pakistan and Iraq were downplayed as well, with only three times each.

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